Allied Health Tech Auxiliary

Requirements for Dental and/or Maxillofacial Prosthetic Technicians

  1. Be licensed, registered or otherwise permitted by law to practice as a dental or maxillofacial prosthetic technician.
  2. Be involved in patient care solely as directed or prescribed by licensed and qualified dentists.
  3. Must be recommended for membership by one Fellow and a second Fellow or Associate Fellow.
  4. Submit three patient case reports that demonstrate experience in providing some aspect of maxillofacial prosthetic technical procedures.
  5. The applicant will present a paper or table clinic at an annual session meeting involving some aspect of maxillofacial prosthetic technical procedures.

The dental and maxillofacial prosthetic technician auxiliary will pay dues but is ineligible to vote or hold office.

Personal Information

Academic Training

Pre-Dental or Pre-Medical
Dental or Medical

Post Graduate

Specialty Board Certification


Fellow Program

Residential Program

Student Program

Teaching or Hospital Appointments

Research Experience

Names of two Active Fellows of the Academy from whom the Secretary may obtain an endorsement

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